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Our Vision: In numeracy at DWPS, we challenge all students to build and apply understanding across different contexts. 


At Dandenong West our mathematics learning gives students the opportunity to learn through using open ended mathematical tasks, opportunities to problem solve, develop their own number sense and talk about our ideas, reasoning and learning.


You will see students working in groups and individually with teacher support to help further develop key mathematical concepts. They practice these skills and strategies by using maths equipment, ICT, maths games and investigations. 

We encourage our students to have a growth mindset towards learning, building their capacity to persist, challenge, question and explain through all areas of mathematics.  

Our students have at least five hours of mathematics learning per week in the classroom, with our teachers collecting, analysing and using data to plan for the next steps in our students' journey as learners of maths each week.  

The mathematics curriculum is based on the Victorian Curriculum. It is organised around three content strands and four proficiency strands. The content strands, which describe what students will be learning are Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.  The proficiency strands, which describe how content is explored are through Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving, and Reasoning. Our teachers have participated in numerous hours of professional learning to upskill their own teaching and learning to improve all students’ outcomes in mathematics.  

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