Digital Learning
Digital learning is integrated into our classroom subjects and projects. With our growing investment in technology for our digital playground and support from our STEM coordinators, Dandenong West Primary School is able to provide authentic digital learning opportunities for students in a fun and interesting way.
At Dandenong West, we aim to help all students to be digital citizens in an online community, so that they have the skills and knowledge to effectively use digital technologies to communicate, create and consume digital content. We use the Microsoft Office 365 suite to develop digital literacy skills in class and at home in a safe way.
All students in Year 3 to 6 have 1:1 laptops. Using programs and integrating technology into their studies, allows students to learn researching skills, data analysis and publishing skills. Students also learn about cyber safety, cyber security, age appropriate content and cyber bullying.
From Prep to Year 1, classrooms have their own bank of iPads. In our junior year levels, we incorporate technology into our maths and literacy, so that students may benefit from hands-on interactive experiences and improve their digital literacy.
Dandenong West also gives opportunities for students' to further develop their problem solving skills, creativity and critical thinking through coding and designing through robotics. Students across all year levels actively use Mathletics and Reading Eggs to practice core skills at school and at home.